In an age of so much uncertainty surrounding our food supply, how do we know if seeds bought for our gardens are truly safe?
When choosing a seed company, it is best to purchase from certified organic grower.
Certified organic growers are not allowed to have GMOs in their seeds. These growers are members of the Organic Seed Growers and Trade Alliance (OSGATA), have signed onto a code of ethics and are engaged in preserving the integrity of seed above and beyond profit-market interest. OSGATA develops, protects and promotes the organic seed trade and its growers, and assures that the organic community has access to excellent quality organic seed, free of contaminants and adapted to the diverse needs of local organic agriculture.
In addition to not allowing GMOs in their seeds, members of the Organic Seed Growers and Trade Alliance (OSGATA) have signed onto a code of ethics and are engaged in preserving the integrity of seed above and beyond profit-market interest. OSGATA develops, protects and promotes the organic seed trade and its growers, and assures that the organic community has access to excellent quality organic seed, free of contaminants and adapted to the diverse needs of local organic agriculture.
The following is a list of reputable seed companies that demonstrate integrity and a quality, GMO-free product:
All Good Things Organic
Amishland Seeds
Annapolis Valley Heritage Seed Company
Baker Creek Seed Co.
Botanical Interests
Bountiful Gardens
Gourmet Seed
High Mowing Seeds
Horizon Herbs
Hudson Valley Seed Library
J.L Hudson
Kitchen Garden Seeds
Kusa Seed Society
Lake Valley Seeds
Landreth Seeds
Livingston Seeds
Natural Gardening Company
New Hope Seed Company
Organica Seed
Peace Seeds
Peaceful Valley Farm Supply
Renee’s Garden
Sand Hill Preservation Center
Seed Saver’s Exchange
Seeds of Change
Southern Exposure
Sow True
Sustainable Seed Co
Territorial Seed Company
Tomato Fest
Trees of Antiquity
Uprising Seeds
Victory Seeds
Amishland Seeds
Annapolis Valley Heritage Seed Company
Baker Creek Seed Co.
Botanical Interests
Bountiful Gardens
Gourmet Seed
High Mowing Seeds
Horizon Herbs
Hudson Valley Seed Library
J.L Hudson
Kitchen Garden Seeds
Kusa Seed Society
Lake Valley Seeds
Landreth Seeds
Livingston Seeds
Natural Gardening Company
New Hope Seed Company
Organica Seed
Peace Seeds
Peaceful Valley Farm Supply
Renee’s Garden
Sand Hill Preservation Center
Seed Saver’s Exchange
Seeds of Change
Southern Exposure
Sow True
Sustainable Seed Co
Territorial Seed Company
Tomato Fest
Trees of Antiquity
Uprising Seeds
Victory Seeds is also a source for non-GMO and chemical free seeds.