Friday, January 31, 2014

Constantly Tired? Chronic Fatigue? Overweight?

Overweight, chronically sluggish and lethargic in both body and mind, frequently dizzy and constantly living with insomnianumbness in both hands and feet - these symptoms were all mine.  What's more, I thought it was  normal to be like this when a person was over 40!  After several months of conscientiously following your customized program for me, I am delighted to report that:
1. I have lost 40 pounds
2. the lethargy, sluggishness, foggy thinking, insomnia, and dizziness are all gone
3. my feet and hands are no longer numb
And, as a bonus, the astigmatism in my eyes has disappeared!  This was a part of my life since fourth grade.  Also, my eye prescription has improved, rather than worsening.
I can't thank you enough for your part in these amazing, unexpected results!  You truly
have the key to helping the body regain good health.  I will continue to refer many
people to you so they, too, can live productive lives.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Alma Meyers

Monday, January 27, 2014

Heart-heal​thy Recipe

One of our patients, a dear friend, passed away this week at the good old age of 99.  When her family was making memorial arrangements with a large and well-known mortuary in the L.A. area, they were told something that shocked us all:

In the past two months, the funerals at this facility were divided evenly between the elderly and those aged 40-50 years.  You read right - 50% of the funerals were for people in the 40-50 age bracket!!!  

Many of those deaths in the younger age group were caused by heart attacks.  Can you think of any possible reason for this?

Of course there are several contributing factors, and it would take a small book to discuss them all.  But if you guessed "terrible nutrition," you probably hit one of the big ones!  

Heart attacks are associated with a lack of the B vitamin complex, as well as chronic calcium deficiency.  These nutrients are woefully depleted in the SAD (Standard American Diet) which unfortunately is composed largely of processed convenience foods.

The answer for these deficiencies does NOT lie in a bottle of store-bought "vitamin" supplements!  Regardless of the claims, these are artificially produced isolates that are not recognized by the body as nutrients, and may do more harm than good. 

But there ARE two ways to work on this problem:

1) Eat plenty of whole, natural foods that contain these nutrients in balance 

2) As your nutritional evaluation manifests the need, use concentrated whole-food supplements to assist your body with genuine health-promoting tools.

Good sources of the B complex and calcium are red meat, organ meats, whole raw dairy, brown rice (NEVER white rice - the B vitamins have been "polished" off), whole grains, and leafy deep green vegetables.

Here's a recipe that's easy and delicious, and provides several good sources of the vital nutrients your heart needs:


1 pound of organic ground beef or turkey (organic beef is at Costco, great price)
1 small organic onion, chopped
1/2 of an organic bell pepper, chopped (I prefer red or yellow to green)
1 15-ounce can of Trader Joe's organic tomato sauce (no sugar in it)
1 cup of cooked organic brown rice
1 tsp. of your favorite chili powder
3/4 cup of shredded raw milk cheddar or pepper jack cheese

In a large skillet, cook meat, onion, and pepper over medium heat until meat is no longer pink.  Stir in tomato sauce, rice, and chili powder.  Cover and simmer for 10 minutes.  Sprinkle with the cheese, and cover for 2 minutes or until cheese is melted.  3-4 servings

Serve this meal with a bowl of steamed or sautéed organic greens, such as Swiss chard, beet greens, or spinach.  You will feel good about helping your heart! 

Look for other ways to incorporate these vital nutrients into your daily food intake by means of organic, whole foods.  And be sure to keep up on your nutritional evaluations here.  None of us can afford to overlook our heart health!

We're here to help!  Call us any time at (562) 861-3896.

Friday, January 24, 2014

What about flu shots?

At supermarkets and pharmacies, on TV and internet ads, we are bombarded: "Get your flu shot now!"  Urging the importance of protecting everyone - adults, children and the elderly - against the flu, the campaign seems even more aggressive this year than before.

It's SO important to be well informed on this subject before deciding.  As you may guess, we in this clinic recommend strongly AGAINST anyone accepting a flu shot into his or her body. Our reasons include:

a) the ingredients in the vaccine - mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, detergent, ether, etc. The 2013-2014 vaccine contains mercury in a significant amount that we consider dangerous to health.

b) the actual effect of a flu shot - not "immunity," but suppression of the immune system that makes one vulnerable to worse conditions than the flu

c) the serious risks that come along with the supposed benefit - one example: those who take the flu shot annually for 3-5 years are TEN TIMES more likely to get Alzheimer's disease.  (This would be due to the significant content of mercury and aluminum, which are fundamental components behind dementia and autoimmune conditions.)

To learn more details about the dangers of flu shots, you can find help from the following websites:

Of course, no one wants to get the flu!  So what's the alternative to taking a flu shot? 

Working WITH your body, instead of against it!  Supporting your immune system and building it up, to prevent getting sick in the first place. Using natural and homeopathic products instead of toxic ones if you do get sick. 

We can help you!  Come in for an evaluation by Susana to see what your body is needing to help you navigate through the flu season...and beyond. 

You know our number...(562) 861-3896.  Your questions and comments are always welcome!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Shoulder Pain? Lower Back Pain? Low Energy? End Your Pain Today!

I have been coming to Dr. Thropay for chiropractic care at various times for about 18 years.  But this year I was experiencing a lot of pain – in the shoulder area, lower back, and between the shoulder blades.  Additionally, I had a very low energy level.
I came in for an adjustment, thinking that would solve these problems.  On previous occasions, I had seen some of the information in his exam rooms about nutritional health.  When I asked Dr. Thropay about it, he said that part of my problem could be resolved with nutritional care.  He told me about Dr. Omura and the development of resonance testing.  He also talked about the special computerized program he acquired from a Russian doctor who came to the U.S. after the fall of the Soviet Union in the 1980’s.  I signed on.
How is it now?  My energy level has jumped!  The pain between my shoulder blades is gone.  My lower back is in great shape, with the exception of a slight pain in the center.  Furthermore, I have lost 18 pounds and I really eat better, thanks to Mrs. Thropay’s Healthful Eating class and Dr. Thropay’s careful monitoring of what I eat.
I am thrilled with these results, achieved in a matter of a few short months.  I highly recommend Dr. Thropay to anyone for both his chiropractic and his nutritional care!
Robert C. Jensen

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Diabetes merry-go-r​ound

Recently labelled as an "autoimmune disease," Type 2 Diabetes has a lot of people scared - especially those who have a history of it in their family.  The many health problems it can lead to are enough to worry anyone!  Heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, blindness...who needs them?

Understanding this condition is the first step in the quest for either prevention or elimination of it - and BOTH of those are not only possible, but are being achieved by many people!  

Here's a brief and simple lay explanation of how diabetes develops:

                                 Processed and low-fat foods cause your blood sugar to rise.  In turn, your pancreas produces more insulin to stabilize the blood sugar. 

                                 In this scenario, your body also decreases production of a hormone that you need to burn fat for energy.  So you can't burn fat and you become hungrier - which causes you to eat even more of the processed foods.  The result? A further rise in your blood sugar level and insulin production...

...and the cycle keeps repeating itself!

                                  This continual workload on the pancreas will wear it out, sooner or later, and natural insulin production will cease.  Diagnosis? Type 2 diabetes.  Medical treatment? artificial insulin.  Effects of taking insulin? not good.

Dr. Thropay has often said, "You do NOT need to be a victim of your genes!"  Don't let a family history of diabetes divert you away from taking the right steps to prevent and/or eliminate this threat from yourbody.   

A nutritional evaluation from Susana will get you started in the right direction, and she will guide you through the process of regaining and/or enhancing your health and healing abilities.  Your body will thank you!

Love to hear from you - please call us at (562) 861-3896.

Friday, January 10, 2014

The Dangers of Air Fresheners

 Air fresheners or ‘room deodorizers’ are becoming increasingly popular. But did you know that they contain many harmful toxins? Even some of the commercially sold ‘natural’ ones!
These products have been linked to an increase in asthma symptoms and pulmonary diseases. Aside from this, general symptoms of sickness and migraine have been noted from use of room fragrance products.
Most air fresheners including some scented candles, plug-ins and timed aerosols contain phthalates. This a chemical compound mainly used to soften plastic and is what gives P.V.C its flexibility.
Although in recent years some companies claim to have removed these phthalates from their products other key ingredients can also be very harmful.
Learn more about the toxins found in air fresheners:
  • Genotoxins are chemical agents that damage DNA.  Damages to cellular DNA can result in cell mutations and even lead to cancer.
  • Mutagenic chemicals, as the name suggests, can increase the recurrence of  some types of mutations. 
  • Broncho-constrictors narrow the airways along the bronchial tube and cause them to constrict or tighten. These symptoms are very similar to asthma, which may give rise to the association to asthma symptoms.
  • Neurotoxins, the name literally translated means ‘nerve toxins’. They damage the brain or nervous system by killing neurons in the body.
  • Hepatoxins damage the liver. 
  • Reproductive toxins have been found to decrease fertility. The rate of infertility has *increased by over 4% since the 1980′s.  
Learn how to make your own natural room freshener:

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Side effects of fluorescent light


Better to vie for the warm welcoming glow of old school incandescent bulbs then to roll the dice with these bulbs that, if you dare break one, spew toxic matter all over the place.
-Eye discomfort
-Eye strain
-Enhanced tumor formation
-Contributes to agoraphobia 
-Endocrine disruption
-Increased stress
At the end of the day, natural sunlight is the best option because it brings a full spectrum of light frequencies.  The unbalanced light emitted from fluorescent bulbs has been studied thoroughly and it is a wonder why many government officials are pushing for regulations requiring their use over incandescent bulbs.  In fact, incandescent bulbs emit a more balanced spectrum light that is more similar to sunlight then fluorescent bulbs.  It is no surprise that many people are willing to pay more in electric bills and replacement in order to avoid the cold, lifeless glow of these mercury laden lights.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Natural Therapy For Headaches!

Natural Therapy For Headaches!
In about 5 mins, your headache will go…….
The nose has a left and a right side.
We use both to inhale and exhale.
Actually they are different.
You’ll be able to feel the difference.
The right side represents the sun.
The left side represents the moon.
During a headache, try to close your right nose
and use your left nose to breathe.
In about 5 mins, your headache will go.
If you feel tired, just reverse, close your left nose
and breathe through your right nose.
After a while, you will feel your mind is refreshed.
Right side belongs to ‘hot’, so it gets heated up easily.
Left side belongs to ‘cold’.

Friday, January 3, 2014


A recent news media poll reported that 43 out of every 100 Americans make New Year's resolutions.  Out of those 43, only 3 to 4 people actually see their resolution fulfilled.  Discouraging?  Not if you're one of the 3 or 4!  Let's get into the right side of these statistics!

Following these tips will dramatically increase your chances of success. Ready?

1. Make sure your health resolution is something you REALLY WANT, not just something you "should" do.  Give it serious thought.  Then write it down.

2. Be specific and realistic.  If you want to get rid of the annoying fatigue or the drug-popping headaches that plague you, or if you want to lose 30 pounds this year, write these goals thoughtfully and deliberately, and put a target date for achieving them.  Then write a simple plan - that is, short-term mini-goals that will move you towards the target in steps that you can handle.

3. Talk about this to someone.  Don't keep your resolution a secret.  We welcome you to give us a copy, and we will help to keep you accountable throughout the year.  :)

4. Make a "pros" and "cons" list.  Write down everything good that can come from achieving your goals, and everything that may happen if you neglect them.  Seeing this in black-and-white makes a powerful impact and helps you to stay motivated for the long-term.

5. Track your progress monthly or oftener.  As you see positive things happening, be sure to write them on your master-list - and reward yourself for every little achievement.  For example, when you've lost the first 5 pounds, or you have gone three weeks without a headache, treat yourself to a special movie or a trip to the beach with a friend. 

6. Commit to your healthcare program with us.  Our experience here is that those clients who are the most faithful in following directions and keeping their appointments get the BEST results.  These are the people who write those amazing, heart-warming improvement stories that are posted in our office.

We want YOU to be your own success story!  And you can do it!

WE commit to helping you every way we can. As a start, we have a "Resolution Solution" hand-out for you. It's an easy way to plan your steps and to track your short-term gains as you go through the year. Just ask for it at the front desk.

We'll cheer you on as you reach your mini-goals, and celebrate with you next December when your targets for the year are reached.  They may even be exceeded!

Call us anytime at (562) 861-3896.