Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Thropay Chiropractic Specializes In KEEPING YOU HAPPY

...I am so pleased to find a substitute from regular meds. I have always reacted to drugs and found little help. Now Im off allergy meds and shots, and I feel so much better. I've also lost weight."
-Nancy G.
"...I love my experience here! Ive seen many medical doctors that couldnt help me!... "
-Martina B.
" ...I enjoy every visit. I am always heard out and attended to, and have learned a lot about
what to eat and what not to eat. Thank you for taking care of me & my girls! - Michelle Z.
"...I just want to say Thank You for all your help. Many times through the years I have not been the perfect patient. However,I know that my health today is in result of your care, work, and love. You all are the best!" - M.R.
"...Nutrition Response Testing is the only way to go! Healing vs. cover-up." - C.B.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Sorting out "Natural" from "Organic"

There are so many marketing technics that can fool us into thinking a food product is healthful. Some of these are the generous use of terms like "All Natural" or "Gluten Free" or "Verified non GMO."
The fact is, not one of those terms guarantees that the product is healthful! But don't give up in despair and think you need a college course to get it straight! Just keep in mind these few basics:
1) Natural, 100% natural, All natural - you can pretty much assume that this product doesn't cut it. The FDA does not regulate or specifically define the use of these terms, and allows for them to be applied to refined sugar and flour, etc. (I will never forget seeing a bottle of "Naturally Smoked Artificial Bacon Bits"!)
2) Gluten Free - NOT a synonym for "healthy"! Many foods on the gluten-free aisle contain sugar, white flour, artificial sweeteners, and other chemical additives. As always, it is essential to read the list of ingredients before buying.
3) Verified non-GMO - sounds wonderful, but unfortunately, we have learned that this term is not interchangeable with "organic." Although all organic foods must be non-GMO, not all GMO foods are required to be organic. Non-GMO crops are often grown with chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
4) ORGANIC - this one is subdivided into 3 groups:
a) Made with Organic Ingredients - the product must contain at least 70% organic ingredients that are identified as such in the ingredient list, and show the certifying agency on the label. This leaves open the option of 30% non-organic ingredients in the product.
b) Organic - the same rules as above, only these products must contain 95% organic ingredients; that means they can have 5% non-organic ingredients.
c) 100% organic - this product must contain 100% organic ingredients, and of course list them and show the certifying agency on the label,
We left your best choice for last! 4c), or 100% organic, contains the highest level of healthful food available in a product.
Contact us with any further questions you may have, by responding to this email or by calling us at (562) 861-3896.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

10 Magical Effects Music Has On the Mind

Every fan of music knows the tremendous power it can have over both thoughts and emotions. Great music can transform an ordinary day into something magical, even spiritual. It can provide solace, release, strong sensations and more. But music’s influence spreads further still: right up from our genetic code, through our thoughts and bodies and out into how we relate in groups.


Practising the piano won’t just improve your musical abilities, it can also improve your visual and verbal skills.
A study of 8 to 11-year-olds found that, those who had extra-curricular music classes, developed higher verbal IQ, and visual abilities, in comparison to those with no musical training (Forgeard et al., 2008).
This shows the benefits of learning an instrument are not purely musical, but extend into cognition and visual perception.


Have you ever felt chills down your spine while listening to music? According to a study by Nusbaum and Silvia (2010), over 90% of us have.
How much you feel, though, depends on your personality. People who are high in one of the five personality dimensions called ‘openness to experience’, are likely to feel the most chills while listening to music.
In the study, people high in openness to experience were more likely to play a musical instrument, and more likely to rate music as important to them.


If you’re not feeling the chills, perhaps you should try a little harder.
A recent study contradicts the old advice that actively trying to feel happier is useless.
In research by Ferguson and Sheldon (2013), participants who listened to upbeat classical compositions by Aaron Copland, while actively trying to feel happier, felt their moods lift more than those who passively listened to the music.
This suggests that engaging with music, rather than allowing it to wash over us, gives the experience extra emotional power.


Since music is often a social activity, making it together can help bring us together.
A study of almost one thousand Finnish pupils who took part in extended music classes, found they reported higher satisfaction at school in almost every area, even those not related to the music classes themselves (Eerola & Eerola, 2013)
Explaining the results, the lead researcher Päivi-Sisko Eerola, said:
“Singing in a choir and ensemble performance are popular activities at extended music classes. Other studies have established that people find it very satisfying to synchronize with one another. That increases affiliation within the group and may even make people like each other more than before.”


…or at least it can help with the stress and anxiety associated with having treatment for coronary heart disease.
A review of 23 studies covering almost 1,500 patients found that listening to music reduced heart rate, blood pressure and anxiety in heart disease patients (Bradt & Dileo, 2009).


‘Mood management’ is the number one reason people love music.
And, all music fans know that music can have a cathartic effect. But, it’s still odd that, for some people, sad music can, under the right circumstances, improve their mood. Why?
According to a study by Kawakami et al. (2013), sad music is enjoyable because it creates an interesting mix of emotions; some negative, some positive.
Crucially, we perceive the negative emotions in the music, but don’t feel them strongly.


Music may make you feel different, but as little as 15 seconds of music can change the way you judge the emotions on other people’s faces as well.
A study by Logeswaran et al. (2009) found that a quick blast of happy music made participants perceive other’s faces as happier. The same was true for a snatch of sad music. The biggest effect was seen when people looked at faces with a neutral expression.
In other words: people projected the mood of the music they were listening to onto other people’s faces.


Music naturally makes people think of certain colours. Across different cultures, people pair particular types of music with particular colours.
In a study by Palmer et al. (2013), people from both Mexico and the US showed remarkable similarities in connecting duller, darker colours with sadder pieces of music and lighter, more vivid colours with happier music.
A follow-up study showed that these music-to-colour associations were seen because of the emotional content of the music.


In 60% of people who have a stroke, the visual areas of the brain are affected.
This leads to ‘visual neglect’: the patient loses awareness of objects on the opposite side to where the brain has been damaged.
But, studies have found, when patients listen to their favourite music, some of their visual attention is restored (Tsai et al., 2013).
So, music can be an important tool in rehabilitation for stroke patients.


Infants as young as five-months-old respond rhythmically to music and seem to find it more interesting than speech.
In a study by Zentner and Eerola (2010), the babies spontaneously danced to all different types of music, and those that were most in time also smiled the most.
Maybe music really is in our genes!

Friday, January 16, 2015

From the Archives

Today we're going to share with you a letter from 2007. It was written by Dr. Thropay after he had worked with this patient who came 3000+ miles to receive his care. 

"Ken suffered with arachnoiditis for over 35 years.  It dated back to a myelogram he was given preparatory to back surgery that was performed on him in his teens.  The dye that was injected for the myelogram caused chronic inflammation in his spinal cord.

Besides that, the surgery did not relieve him of his pain.  The back pain and leg pains down to his feet became increasingly worse and more debilitating.  Seven years after the surgery, the medical doctors finally admitted that their procedures were to blame.

Fast forward three pain-filled decades...for the past two years before I saw him, he was taking multiple medications for pain and inflammation, including the highest permitted dose of one drug for eight weeks.  He was unable to function actively during those two years - in fact, had recently spent an entire five-week period flat on his back on the floor.

The only prognosis his doctors could give him was that he soon would be in a wheelchair.

My evaluation showed heavy metal toxicity, including mercury, antimony (from the dye), copper, aluminum, and lead.  As the metals were removed from his body, he was able to get off every one of his medications.  The pain continues to diminish, and he is 'up and running,' functioning normally and productively in his chosen field.

This amazing turnaround took place in only five weeks here! 

Specific metal drainage - which is only one of many aspects of Nutrition Response Testing - is frequently the answer to many ailments."

Needless to say, Ken was only too willing to make the necessary dietary changes that would both hasten and extend his remarkable improvement.  We find that this is always the case - those who are fully committed to their customized program experience the highest level of success.


Don't forget about our January drawing!  Lots of people have their eye on the NutriBullet system, and many are hoping for the full-hour massage.  See any practitioner here this month, and your name is entered.  Increase your chances of winning by bringing someone new (3 entries) to experience the wonderful health benefits we offer. 

Write us here anytime, or call us at (562) 861-3896.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Honey & Ginger Kill Superbugs Better Than Pharmaceutical Meds

Bacteria have been morphing into resistant strains of superbugs that make it very difficult for pharmaceutical companies to keep up with them, but research coming out of Ethiopia’sCollege of Medicine at the University of Gondar proves we don’t need Big Pharma to treat diseases that it ironically helped to create. A combination of ginger powder extract and honey are so effective that they inhibit the growth of superbugs like MRSA, E Coli, and even the bacteria that causes Pneumonia.
MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), Escherichia coli, and Klebsiella pneumoniae  are some of the most damaging superbugs around. Yet when researchers compared Ethiopian honey combined with ginger powder to three different antibiotics and their ability to kill superbugs, the ginger and honey combination won over the pharmaceutical drugs  not by a little – but considerably. (They also tested a ginger-water solution for good measure).
The study abstract concluded:
(Aside from this research, here are 8 natural antibiotics you should consider using).
Each ‘broth’ that the superbugs were exposed to was cultured for 20-24 hours. The three antibiotics used were some of the most ‘powerful’ the industry has ever created: methicillin, amoxicillin, and penicillin.
5 tests for each treatment of bacteria were conducted:
  • Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA and non-MRSA)
  • Escherichia coli (two different strains)
  • Klebsiella pneumoniae
With all three superbugs, the ginger and honey combination was more effective at inhibiting growth than any of the antibiotics. The only antibiotic that even came close was amoxicillin.
The mean inhibition levels of this dynamic duo averaged 25.62 and ranged from 19 to 30 – beating out all the pharmaceutical antibiotics by a landslide.
The ginger extract wasn’t made with any fancy process either. Researchers simply dried sliced root pieces at 37 degrees for 24 hours and then ground them and blended them with methanol and ethanol to make a 50% solution. This was then blended with the honey to make an exact 50-50 combination. (This process was performed by researchers. The recipe was used for research purposes only. Do not try at home.)
The water extract of the ginger had no inhibition of the bacteria. This is what other research has indicated – that alcohol apparently extracts the antibiotic constituents from the ginger.
We can continue to take lethal, health damaging antibiotics that kill our natural immunity, or we can research alternatives. The choice is simple.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Meat matters

For our Kitchen Q. and A. today, we're featuring questions we have been frequently asked over the years.
Q. What is the best meat to eat?
A. Healthy meat means "Yes" to grass-fed (as in beef or lamb), free range (as in chickens or turkeys), wild-caught in the cleanest possible waters (as in fish). It also means "Yes" to organic feed for supplemental use.
On the other hand, healthy meat means "No" to antibiotics or hormones - which are used to inflate the animals' weight quickly - and "No" to pesticided and GMO grain feeds and unnaturally confined lives in cages or dirt lots or fish farms. These negatives are passed on in various damaging ways to those who eat the meat.
Q. Where can I buy healthy meat?
A. Costco carries both organic ground beef and organic chickens and chicken parts. Trader Joe's has the same, and some canned wild Alaskan salmon. Sprouts is another source. Check your local grocer, as well. Ralphs carries organic ground beef, and Albertsons has organic chicken. Certain farmers' markets also carry organic meat - the Saturday market in Downey is one. As the popularity of eating more healthfully continues to grow, more commercial markets are listening and responding to the demand. That's good, so keep asking them!
Q. But what if I can't afford to buy healthy meat regularly?
A. That's a valid concern, because organic meat does cost more than the "regular" kind. We believe it's very important to prioritize this issue of healthful protein in your diet. Remember that quality trumps quantity here. Train yourself to live with smaller portions of meat - that will save money.
Another tip - as you clean up your diet in general, the unhealthful items you stop purchasing will free up a surprising amount of money for better things. For example: Eliminating five $7.00 trips to Starbuck's each week means you have an extra $35.00 to spend on healthful food! With careful menu planning, that will feed your whole family with organic meat dinners for the week.
Speaking of eating...your "feedback" is always welcome! :) Call us with any further questions or your comments at (562) 861-3896.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Come and celebrate 2015 with us!  For every service you receive at our office in January - nutrition, chiropractic, massage - your name will be entered into our drawing. Triple or double your chances by visiting multiple practitioners in one visit!  We will also enter your name three times when you refer someone new who comes to us this month.  

The drawing will take place on January 30th, and there will be three winners:

3rd prize - a large bottle of our popular multi-supplement Catalyn - a $40 value

2nd prize - a full-hour massage from Elvira - $45 value

GRAND PRIZE - a complete NutriBullet system - a $120 value!

Winners will be notified by telephone, and their names published in our weekly newsletter after the drawing.

You may have noticed the price change.  As of February 1st, 2015, our still very competitive massage fees will be $45 for a full-hour massage, and $30 for a half-hour massage.  You have the month of January to come in and take advantage of our old prices!

This year we will be featuring a "Kitchen Q. and A." in our newsletter.  Feel free to submit any questions you may have about cooking or eating healthfully.  We'll publish the answers each week in this letter, or even write you privately if you prefer.

Today's question has come to us numerous times:
"What is the best type of cookware to use?"

Answer. High-quality stainless steel "waterless" cookware is ideal for a full set of pots and pans. We recommend looking online for the best prices.  (Follow the manufacturer's directions, and use wooden implements to protect the inside finish.)  The new ceramic coated non-stick pans are also great. Clay, glass, or Corningware are fine, too. 

               And, of course, always avoid aluminum touching your food. Metal particles in foil and pots transfer into the food and give your body grief, sooner or later.  Aluminum is highly implicated in Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and other autoimmune conditions, and a host of other problems.

We look forward to your feedback on our new feature. See you soon!  

Please call for your appointments at (562) 861-3896.