Thursday, October 25, 2012


When I first came to see you, my arms and shoulders were constantly hurting, especially when I lifted my arms.  I was so weak I could hardly pick up anything heavier than fifteen pounds.  I had no energy, and I was always ready for a nap.  When I sat down for any length of time, I would fall asleep.
After six weeks of nutritional treatment, my arms and shoulders do not hurt anymore.  I can now pick up more weight than before.  I’m back to normal, and I am happy to say that I do not take naps anymore.
Thank you so much!
Wilson Guerrero

Thursday, October 11, 2012

AUTISM; Always Unique Totally Interesting & Sometimes Mysterious

At the age of 4, our son was diagnosed on the autism spectrum.  Even though the doctors said it was mild, high-functioning autism, our son spoke very few words, had no direct eye contact, daily meltdowns (tantrums), and very little socializing at school.  He seemed to be in his own “little world.”  
Because of these problems, Trevor was enrolled in special education at his school.  His teachers said he had a hard time staying on task, and following a set of directions.  
When we came to see Dr. Thropay, we found out Trevor was toxic with mercury.  The testing also revealed bad reactions to wheat, gluten, and sugar.  We immediately began the program of removing the mercury, along with a change of diet and a supplement regimen.
Within one week, Trevor began to have complete eye contact.  Within three weeks, he was speaking in sentences.  His behavior has done a complete turnaround.  He is like a new boy!
These astounding changes soon brought about changes at school.  The teacher is mainstreaming him into the regular Kindergarten classroom for the entire day!  Trevor now enjoys playing with other children, and has many friends!
Penni and Ken Marrs

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

It's Allergy Season Again!


Before I came to see Dr. Thropay for nutritional help, I had frequent allergies, and constant pain in my left knee.  I also was diagnosed by my doctor to have “borderline” high blood pressure.  And, I felt tired and bored most of the time.

Now, just three weeks later, I have no pain in my knee.  My blood pressure is now at normal or below normal levels.  I feel energized instead of bored and tired.  I’ve lost 4-5 pounds in the last three weeks, and I feel great!  This is really amazing!

Raul Ramirez