Thursday, March 26, 2015

Simple Salads for Spring

When there's no time to grocery shop, it's your chance to get creative. A "throw-together" salad can be attractive as well as delicious and nutritious. Here's a simple recipe that can be varied as to ingredients or amounts, according to whatever you have in the refrigerator.
4 cups organic broccoli florets (or cauliflower, or both)
1 cup of cubed raw milk cheese - cheddar, Swiss, Gruyere - or 1/2 cup raw milk blue cheese, crumbled
1-2 red organic apples, washed and chopped but not peeled
1/2 cup organic red onion, sliced thinly and quartered
2/3 cup raw pecan pieces - or any nuts or seeds you have on hand
Add 1/2 cup chopped celery, if desired
Combine in a large bowl. Drizzle with the following vinaigrette, and toss until coated.
2 tbsp. organic red wine vinegar
1 tbsp. organic lemon juice
1/4 cup olive oil
1 clove organic garlic, minced
dash of cayenne
1 tsp. organic Italian seasoning
1/2 tsp. sea salt
1/2 tsp. fennel seeds - optional
Place all vinaigrette ingredients in a small jar and shake well before tossing with salad.
Kitchen Q&A
Q. What about Orgreenic fry pans? Are they a healthful choice for cooking?
A. They test very well here, and are hands-down far superior to "regular" non-stick pans (which are a potential source of plastic and/or aluminum particles).
We have found that they are wonderful for re-heating food, sauteing veggies, or cooking omelets or potatoes - always no higher than low-medium heat. I have heard one complaint about cooking raw meat - that it stuck very badly and the pan was miserable to clean. If any of you have input on this, please share it. :)
A last reminder about our special offer on the 21-day Purification Program Kit from Standard Process! The 15% off will apply through March 31st. Call us to order your kit(s) at (562-861-3896.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The remedy is in the refrigerator!

Is your gall bladder troubling you? You're not alone - it's a very common malady, ranging from dysfunction or infection to painful gall stones. These develop over time from a continued thickening of the bile - and yes, that is a nutritional problem!
Perhaps you are one of the millions who have already had their gall bladders surgically removed. In that case, the excruciating pain is gone, but the trade-off for that wonderful relief has been an extra load placed on your liver to try and compensate for the lack of the gall bladder's work. What caused the problem has not been addressed, so you, too, can benefit from these suggestions.
Here is a quote from Dr. Joseph Mercola:
"...If one does have gall bladder disease, whole beets are an excellent way to thin the bile and limit the risk of gall stones. Whole beets will thin bile the way paint thinner thins paint. It is quite consistent. There are some supplements...that do this.
I believe that one of the biggest crimes in modern American medicine, that nearly one million people each year undergo, is having gall bladders sacrificed on the altar of the surgical table. Nearly every one of these patients did not need their gall bladders removed. They just needed to thin out their bile and clean up their diet, and the body would have self-regulated and eliminated the problem."
Whew! That puts it straight, doesn't it?
He referred to supplements. Standard Process has two products made from concentrated whole beats - root, leaf, and juice - that they grow on their own farm. These we highly recommend for anyone who had, has, or wishes to prevent gall bladder disease. These would be taken in conjunction with frequently eating the beets.
Whole beets can be eaten steamed, roasted with olive oil, or made into smoothies. For a special treat, make up a batch of "BEAUTIFUL BEET SOUP" and enjoy some each day, hot or cold. The touches of ginger, orange zest, and cinnamon make this recipe so special.
3-4 medium beets (about 1 pound),scrubbed well
1 tbsp. olive oil
1 large organic onion, chopped
1 pound organic carrots, sliced
1 tbsp. fresh-grated organic ginger
1 large clove of organic garlic, minced
6 cups water or organic vegetable broth
1 tsp. fresh-grated organic orange zest
3/4 tsp. sea salt
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
freshly-ground black pepper, to taste
Boil the beets whole in water, until tender - about 45 minutes. Save the water for drinking or smoothies. Cut beets into chunks.
In a soup pot, heat the olive oil over medium-low heat. Sauté the onion until transparent. Add carrots, ginger, and garlic. Cook for 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Add beets and water or stock. Simmer the soup, covered, for about 45 minutes. Add the orange rind, sea salt, cinnamon, and pepper, and stir well.
In a blender or food processor, puree the soup in batches. Serve hot or chilled.
A reminder about our March promo - 15% off the 21-Day Purification kit from Standard Process. If you just don't like beets, this Purification Program will really help your taste buds wake up to the great flavors of vegetables! You might be surprised at how your tastes change! I can personally attest that it was a wonderful help for me.
Call us to order your kit at (562) 861-3896.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Chemical Stew

There are approximately 80,000 chemicals currently in use in the USA. Of these, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has tested only 200 - and out of those they have regulated five. In other words, there are no proscribed laws limiting the use of 79,995 chemicals in our environment.
With the number of autistic children currently skyrocketing as it is, there is probably no one reading this letter who doesn't know someone affected by it. It is our hope that passing on this information to them will be helpful.
There are now at least 10 groups of chemicals that are highly suspected as factors in the autism spectrum:
1. Lead
2. Methyl mercury
3. PCBs
4. Organophosphate pesticides
5. Organochlorine pesticides
6. Endocrine disruptors
7. Automotive exhaust
8. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
9. Brominated flame retardants
10. Perflourinated compounds
Looking up the big words will reveal that most if not all of these are common, everyday toxins in our immediate environment. They are also possible to avoid or reduce, to a greater or lesser degree. And when it comes to autism, every little bit helps! Every parent longs for their child to have the best opportunity for a normal and productive life.
As we know from experience in this office, Nutrition Response Testing does provide significant help for those affected by the autism spectrum. Evaluation will show specifics that need to be addressed in order of priority for that individual's body - and provide you with the tools to do so. Grateful parents find that not only their child's but also their own quality of life is improved as the customized program is followed.
We're here for YOU! Call us at (562) 861-3896. And special thanks to all of you who do share these newsletters with others.

Monday, March 9, 2015

How to Make Lavender Lemonade to Get Rid of Headaches and Anxiety

Flavoring your lemonade with lavender is a great way to utilize the amazing medicinal properties of lavender. Lavender is a wonderful aromatic herb that calms the senses.
Pure lavender oil is an incredible essential oil to use for your own health and wellness. It’s among the gentlest of essential oils, but also one of the most powerful, making it a favorite of households for the healing properties and uses of lavender essential oil. Lavender oil  has a chemically complex structure with over 150 active constituents, which explains its effectiveness at helping with a lot of health ailments. Lavender oil possesses amazing anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antidepressant, antiseptic, antibacterial, antimicrobial, antispasmodic, analgesic, detoxifier, hypotensive, and sedative properties.
DIY Lavender Lemonade with Lavender Essential Oil
  • 1 cup raw honey
  • 12 cups pure water
  • 1 drop lavender essential oil (where to find)
  • 6 lemons, peeled and juiced
  • Lavender sprigs for garnish
Mix all ingredients together and chill. Add more water or raw honey if needed.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Ready to spring clean?

We're repeating our March promo from last year - our amazing Standard Process 21-day Purification Program at a 15% discount off the kit price!
In case you are wondering about the benefits of this purifying program, here are a few things that will happen if you follow the instructions diligently. You will:
- manage your weight. This is the best program we know of that takes off unnecessary pounds while improving your health and bringing a glow to your face.
- support and enhance the performance of your "toxic elimination team" (liver, kidneys, small and large intestines) to gently but thoroughly remove the many toxins that accumulate in your body over time. Remember, there are about 80,000 chemicals registered for use in the U.S. Hundreds of these are present in our bodies, according to the CDC.
- kick-start yourself to a better lifestyle for your health. This program helps eliminate and change the harmful food cravings we can develop. Your taste buds will come alive, and you will find yourself enjoying foods you previously disliked - such as vegetables! This makes "eating right" so much easier as a way of life.
If you have already done the 21-day Purification Program in the past, you will relate to what I'm saying. And it's a great maintenance tool that should be repeated at least once per year.
Occasionally, someone's body is SO toxic that they can't handle the Purification Program before making some preliminary changes. We strongly recommend that everyone come to Susana for evaluation to make sure you are ready to start, before beginning the program.
We're here as your cheerleading team! Most of us here have done this program ourselves, and we all highly recommend it. Perhaps you know someone else who would be interested. Everyone will get the discount, as long as the purchase is made during March.
Give us a call right away to reserve your kit(s) at (562) 861-3896. And happy spring cleaning! Your body will thank you!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Health IQ

NASCAR race cars use a special combination fuel - 110-octane leaded gasoline. This obviously provides superior performance for the engine. But what would happen if the driver decided to save money and time by filling up at a local gas station? Using regular 87-octane unleaded fuel just might change the outcome in the race! (Duh)
Do we give our bodies inferior "fuel" and yet expect race-car performance from them?
So many of us are constantly on the go, and we get quite indignant when our bodies break down and spoil the week's schedule. Maybe the fault is with ourselves! Being so busy makes us high risk for grabbing convenience food...too many times a week. Or buying pre-made food products that can be quickly heated at home. This practice all too soon becomes habitual despite our good intentions, and our body "engines" reflect the chronic deprivation of genuine nutrients.
Making time consistently to shop for and prepare real foods is a must. Anything less will actually cost us much more - in both time and money - for the loss of health that we incur. Not to mention the need to drag ourselves through our lives with depleted energy, fatigue, and any number of symptoms that we try to ignore.
Good health is not just a matter of "I don't have cancer or heart disease or diabetes (that I know of yet) and my doctor says I'm doing great." Most disease conditions are quietly developing, unconsciously to us, for a considerable length of time before symptoms manifest themselves. Then they are much harder to deal with.
It just makes sense to stop and take a "Health IQ" test, say every first day of the month. Here are a few questions to ask ourselves:
1) Am I consciously putting only top-performance "fuel" into my body?
2) Am I getting 7-8 hours of sleep EVERY night? (Sleep deprivation is very hard on the body's healing/maintaining mechanism)
3) Am I consistently making every effort to avoid unnecessary exposure to chemicals - such as substituting healthful cleaning products for chlorine or other harsh cleaners?
4) Am I avoiding unnecessary radiation by not carrying my mobile phone on my person or using it excessively each day?
There are so many toxins in our environment that we can NOT avoid. Some we can. And the biggest item is food - we still CAN control what we eat.
Something to think about and act upon!
We're always here to help cheer you on. Call us anytime at (562) 861-3896.