Sunday, July 28, 2013

Downey's Best Chiropractor At Thropay Chiropractic!


Dr. Thropay, a graduate of Cleveland Chiropractic College in Los Angeles, founded his practice in Downey, CA in 1978.  He has exclusively practiced the very gentle and scientifically-based Sacro-Occipital Technique (S.O.T.), along with Craniopathy, with phenomenal results.  

Dr. Thropay’s warm regard for his patients is always paramount in his demeanor.  Not content with his extraordinary chiropractic skills and achievements, he has always looked for even more ways to help people gain and maintain good health.  He became deeply impressed with the value of Nutrition Response Testing, and he added that component to his practice in 1999. This brought to a new level of excellence the already superb health benefits his patients had experienced.

Whenever possible, Dr. Thropay loves to study and teach from the Bible.  He and his wife  have three grown children and one granddaughter.

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