Monday, December 17, 2012

Wake Up! You Have A Life To Live!


In February of this year, before I started your nutritional testing and treatment, I was always tired and weak, and had no energy.  My heart would palpitate for 5 to 6 hours at a time, and I had to take blood pressure medication. I never wanted to go outdoors, or do things like going to the beach – it took too much energy to even think of.  Instead, I always wanted to be at home and rest.  Sleeping was difficult, because I constantly woke up in the night.  I continually had a lot of stress. Worst of all, I always felt like I was going to die.

What a difference there is now!  I’m sleeping well each night, and have no more heart palpitations.  I no longer need blood pressure medication, and I have SO much more energy! Now I want to be outdoors and exercise – in fact, I try to walk 3 miles per day.  With a renewed positive attitude, I’m enjoying making goals and plans for the future.  It’s easier for me to handle everyday stress, and it feels like my whole stress level is lower.  One great “side effect” is that I’ve lost 22 pounds!

Thank you again, Dr. Thropay and staff, for all your help and encouragement.  I would highly recommend
you to anyone with health problems.
Shawn Pena
When I started your customized nutritional program about 6 weeks ago, I had been suffering for some time from a total lack of energy.  It was a huge effort to get out of bed in the mornings, and then when I did get up, it was only for a very short time.  I would constantly have to sit down or lie down and rest for a while.  Overall, I felt weak and was unable to accomplish even the necessary everyday activities. Anything extra, like golf, was out of the question.

There is such an incredible difference now!  I feel great, and in fact have a lot more energy than I did before my first visit to you.  I can now work on the house, move around with less difficulty, and easily perform my everyday tasks.  I’m sleeping seven hours a night, and I can play 32 holes of golf each day, five days a week!  This is unbelievable!

Dr. Thropay, you gave me my life back!  I can’t thank you enough!

With sincere gratitude,
Lazaro J. Cruz

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